Terms and Conditions

If you wish to hire Make No Mistake on a freelance basis, please confirm that you have read and agree to the following Terms and Conditions (in conjunction with any terms agreed in your correspondence) and then click the ‘LET’S GO’ button at the bottom of this page. This confirmation will constitute a contract between yourself and Make No Mistake.

The Project

All work will be carried out by Sally Emery, trading as Make No Mistake, and will not be subcontracted to anyone else. In advance of commencing the project, the terms of the brief will be agreed via email correspondence and will include:

  • the medium in which the proofreading/proofediting will be carried out (if applicable) and how it should be annotated, e.g. PDF comments or BSI marks on hard copy.

  • any house style that needs to be adhered to, e.g. UK/US spelling and punctuation.

  • the length of time required to complete the work, as advised by Make No Mistake.

  • a single point of contact who has decision-making and commissioning/approval authority. Important correspondence will be between this single contact and Make No Mistake.

  • any meetings with designers, web developers, printers, or other agencies that will need to be factored in.

  • the date by which the material will be delivered to Make No Mistake so that work can commence.

  • a deadline by which the completed project will be returned.

Make No Mistake will keep you up-to-date with progress, sending a rough first draft/example to ensure that you are happy with the direction that the project is taking shape. For proofreading projects, this will ensure you are happy with the type of annotation and mark-up being used. For copywriting and marketing projects, it will enable you to check the tone and style are what you had in mind; it is easier to adapt a project in its early stages than to have to re-work or re-word things at a later date.

A prompt response to Make No Mistake’s first draft email is appreciated so that deadlines don’t have to shift. In the event that you are unable/choose not to provide feedback, the project will be considered ‘on hold’ and will be rescheduled dependent on Make No Mistake’s current workload and availability.

For copywriting and marketing projects, Make No Mistake’s fee includes two rounds of amendments. If you need more than two rounds, which would be unusual, this will need to be quoted for separately.

Make No Mistake’s proofreading/copyediting fee is for one detailed check. If a revised version needs further work, either due to additional input that is required by the author or due to the amount of amends needed in the first instance, a new quotation will be prepared and it will be treated as a new project. The fee for proofreading/copyediting does not include fact-checking; it is the client’s responsibility to ensure that the material being published is factually correct.

Fees and Cancellation

  • A fee for the project will be agreed before work commences. This will be based on a quotation supplied by Make No Mistake, following an evaluation of the type and amount of work that will be required to complete the brief (see the FAQ page for further info and a breakdown of fees).

  • For all new clients and for larger projects from existing clients, Make No Mistake will ask for a 50% deposit in advance of commencing the work. For smaller projects commissioned by existing clients, an invoice will be created after the work has been completed. We politely ask that our invoices are paid within 14 days of receipt. If the invoice remains unpaid (after a friendly reminder), recovery will be pursued through a debt collection service and any compensation costs that are incurred as a result of this will be added.

  • If Make No Mistake has agreed to ongoing work, invoices will be issued on a monthly basis.

  • If it transpires that more work is required than had previously been been anticipated, or if the brief is altered after the work has commenced, the fee and deadline for completion will need to be renegotiated. Make No Mistake also retains the right to decline to carry out any additional work.

  • In the unlikely even that Make No Mistake cannot meet the agreed deadline, or needs to cancel working on the project, Make No Mistake will inform you as soon as possible and will refund any deposit. Make No Mistake will not be held responsible for any loss or damages as a result of missing a deadline.

  • If you need to cancel the contract after the project has commenced, you will need to pay Make No Mistake for the work that has been carried out up to that point.

Payment and Legal

  • BACS payment details can be found on the quotation and invoice.

  • Make No Mistake is not VAT registered.

  • Make No Mistake has specialist professional indemnity insurance, provided by PolicyBee.

  • Make No Mistake was established by Sally Emery in 2022, working freelance as a sole-trader. Sally is responsible for her own income tax and National Insurance contributions.

  • Sally Emery, trading as Make No Mistake, does not accept responsibility for any issues, claims, costs, or expenses arising as a result of the work she has undertaken at your request.

  • Make No Mistake obviously aims to prevent making any mistakes and will take every precaution to avoid errors, omissions, misrepresentations and any other inaccuracies. However, please note: the final responsibility for any published material belongs with you.

I solemnly swear…

I have read and will adhere to the Terms and Conditions outlined above, along with the terms (timescales/deadlines/deliverables/fees etc) agreed in my correspondence with Make No Mistake.