
From a simple nudge in the right direction, help with social media, the production of promotional material or a fully fledged website, here’s what we can offer…

Start-up Help

Make No Mistake has created numerous businesses from scratch and has experience devising a plan of action, seeing things through from conception to a fully-fledged, working company.

Do you have a business idea but don’t know how to get it off the ground? You know you need to tell people about it but haven’t got a clue where to start? Let Make No Mistake chat things through, providing a clear route to get your products and services out there. We can help with websites, social media, promotional material, door drops, direct mail, e-marketing, exhibitions, press releases and more.

Promotional Material

If you’re wanting your customers or clients to have a physical, tangible reminder of you, then promotional material is a great way to connect. It could take the form of literature: a glossy brochure or a cute postcard (see Make No Mistake’s copywriting services), or perhaps a fun piece of merchandise: branded yo-yo anyone?

Make No Mistake is happy to liaise with designers and printers on your behalf and can produce a cohesive range of material to tie in with your brand and message.

E-marketing and Social Media

Does this section fill you with utter dread? E-marketing terms and abbreviations can all sound a bit like gobbledygook if you don’t know what you’re doing; from SEO and SEM to SERP and CMS; let Make No Mistake guide you through this digital world.

We can sort out setting up everything from subscriber sign-ups, e-mail campaigns, blogs and social media strategy, to search engine optimisation tactics and online advertising.


Branding is a magical, chimerical beast. It isn’t just a name, a logo or a colour palette, but a combination of these elements (and more) that create a certain vibe and a desired emotional response. When you establish a brand you are defining yourself, almost subconsciously, in the eyes of others.

Make No Mistake’s previous experience helped become one of the top 500 coolest brands in the UK, alongside the likes of the Eden Project, Tatty Devine and Hotel Chocolat. Let’s discuss how we can help you take control of your story, shaping it to create an easily recognisable brand that exudes positivity and encapsulates your business.


Let’s face it… In this day and age you need a great website; if you don’t have one, or your existing site looks like it was built in 1996 using basic html and a flash plug-in, you need help!

Make No Mistake can easily assist with the design and build of your digital front door or offer a quality assurance service if you’re already up and running. We have experience using various content management systems, including Shopify and Squarespace, and can offer either a helping hand or the whole caboodle, including copywriting and proofing.

Stuck for a business name?

£100 / x3 appropriate name suggestions

This is perhaps a bit of a strange service to offer, but we feel like we have a knack for names. Your company name is an important part of your brand, perhaps the very essence of your business; it’s how people will remember you and needs to have a strong impact.

We love a pun, so witty names are our speciality, but we can also devise more corporate, serious names that will make people take note.

We can also check to see if business names are already trademarked, registered with Companies House, and also see if corresponding domain names are available.

Media Relations

You can never underestimate the importance of having a good relationship with the media. Favourable press coverage is a fantastic, free way to advertise your business. Did we mention it’s free?!

Let Make No Mistake help you build your contact database for industry specific journalists, write your press releases, keep abreast of industry trends and create your article-worthy stories.


Ah the smell of a trade show, the buzzing excitement of set-up, the copious and tedious order forms for electrics and furniture… By the end of day one your face feels like it is going to be permanently fixed with a maniacal grin.

Make No Mistake has many years’ experience working on exhibitions, from organising attendance and sending material internationally (ensuring the pop-up banner was delivered in time was always a source of delight), to creating innovative, eye-catching stands and all of the promotional material, sales sheets and order forms that went with them.

It’s safe to say that if you need any help with an exhibition, Make No Mistake can happily handle it.

Why not email across a brief outline of your project and deadlines? We love a challenge, so if there’s something else you had in mind that isn’t outlined above, we’d love to hear from you.

We can then find out a bit more about what you need a hand with and discuss a plan of action. Make No Mistake charges per marketing project. Once we have an idea of what you’re after we can send you a quote and a rough timeframe for completion. Make No Mistake’s marketing execution services have a day rate of £350, whilst anything strategic or more in-depth will be project-specific.