
If you’re in need of some compelling copy, look no further…

Promotional Material

Whether it’s succinctly articulating key selling points or utilising language to enhance a product or idea, Make No Mistake can help you out.

We can create the written content for your digital and/or printed material and also liaise with your designer or suggest designers and printers if you’re not sure where to start.

Blog Posts

Keeping your website up to date and your content fresh, alongside other tactical SEO factors, definitely helps nudge you up those daunting search results.

Make No Mistake can help you identify and create blog content, making each post visually stimulating and informative, highlighting a call to action and encouraging readers to engage with your material.

Sales Letters

Establishing a friendly yet professional tone for a sales letter is harder than you might think. A sales letter needs to be persuasive but not wheedling, needy or pompous. It needs to be concise and yet contain all of the information you wish to impart. It also needs a call to action; a clear purpose that the reader is compelled to follow.

Make No Mistake can subtly adapt tone and content for any given audience, ensuring the message doesn’t get lost and the approach taken fits both the subject of the letter and intended reader.


Do you have a list of subscribers that you don’t really know what to do with? Do you live in fear of unsubscribe notifications?

It can be hard coming up with regular content and subject lines to keep your customers engaged and spark recurring sales. Make No Mistake is adept at writing newsletter copy and takes delight in creating catchy subject line nuggets of genius.

Press Releases

A great way to obtain free marketing is through media coverage, either online (therefore providing you with increased links and web traffic) or in glossy magazines and newspaper supplements.

A press release is a focused way of addressing the media, giving them all of the pertinent information and quotes that they need in order to write their articles. Make No Mistake can make your release stand out from the rest.

Social Media

If you’re finding generating a constant, real-time stream of content for your social media pages a chore, why not ask Make No Mistake to create inspiring copy in advance, scheduling releases to give the perception of spontaneous engagement?

Product Descriptions

Whether you need a gazillion different and enticing descriptions for essentially the same pencil case* or require a detailed summary of a product’s key features, Make No Mistake can help create the perfect content in as many or as few words as desired.

* see Make No Mistake’s ‘About’ page – been there, done that!

Website Copy

A good website should encapsulate the essence of its owner, be it a FTSE 100 PLC or a sole trader from Wigan starting their own mobile dog-grooming business.

Make No Mistake can start from scratch, helping you formulate the different pages that you need and creating content accordingly, or simply give your current website a literary make-over.

Make no Mistake can also help you with website design, having plenty of experience using various CMSs (or Content Management Systems, if you’re not a fan of a plural abbreviation).

Why not email across a brief outline of your project and deadlines? We love a challenge, so if there’s something else you had in mind that isn’t outlined above, we’d love to hear from you.

We can then find out a bit more about what you need a hand with and discuss a plan of action. Make No Mistake charges per copywriting project, rather than per word. Once we have an idea of what you’re after we can send you a quote and a rough timeframe for completion.