
What do you need? A simple check to tidy up errors or a more in-depth review? Simply choose your level of service below…

Basic Proofreading


This involves a read through of the final stage of your project to ensure any spelling mistakes, grammatical errors and inconsistencies are spotted and highlighted for change, ready for publication.

We can work on hard copy or use digital mark-ups in Word or on a pdf, either using traditional BSI marks or clear, concise comments, depending on how you are publishing your work.

Design Proofing


If it’s not just the text that you need a hand with but how the project works visually as a whole, then Make No Mistake can also assist with proofing your design and layout.

Do your columns align? Do your images work with the content? Are your fonts consistent? Do the colours you’ve chosen tie-in with your branding? Is something missing that will help the piece ‘pop’?

This service goes hand-in-hand with copy-editing and proofing, ensuring a cohesive approach to your project.

Make No Mistake’s years of marketing experience will ensure your finished product, whether it’s a website, promotional material or an internal comms document, will be presented at its best.

Proofediting / Copyediting

£30-35/hour, depending on the level of edit required

This option, in addition to checking for basic spelling, grammar and punctuation errors, aims to enhance your project.

We can ensure consistency of style, look for ambiguity and offer solutions, improve the clarity of the text, check and query any factual content, create and/or comply with a style guide, remove any repetition of words and phrases, and refine the project as a whole.

AI Content Refinement


So you’ve spent some time honing your ChapGPT prompts and have some copy that sounds about right and looks relatively fit for purpose. You could just go ahead and use it, cross your fingers and hope no one questions it. However, does it actually work for your intended audience?

Here’s where Make No Mistake can transform your content, improving readability and giving it a human touch. First up, we can double-check to ensure there are no spelling or grammar mistakes. We can then check for poor and possibly misleading syntax, shorten long sentences and phrases to make your message easier to digest, check for British/US English consistency, remove repetitive words, add in relevant SEO keywords and ensure the overall tone of voice reflects your brand.


Why not email across a copy of your project and a brief outline of what you need help with?

We can then discuss it with you, letting you know approximately how many hours it will take, giving you a clear idea of budget and what you can expect to receive back from us.