FAQ and all that jazz..

  • If you feel like you need a hand with something then the first thing to do is drop us an email, briefly explaining what it is you’re after and what outcome you would like to achieve. We can then have a more detailed chat about your project and can run through timings and costs and answer any questions you may have about the process.

  • Make No Mistake charges per individual project; our basic rates for different levels of service will give you a rough idea of how our pricing falls in line with standard industry rates.

    Basic Proofreading: £25/hour
    Copyediting: £30-35/hour
    Copywriting: £300/day
    Marketing Execution: £350/day
    Marketing Strategy: £500+/day

  • We’re glad you want to get cracking! Once we have received a more detailed brief we will be able to give you a timeframe for how long your project may take. Then, as soon as you have hit the ‘let’s go’ button by agreeing to our T&Cs, we will aim to start work as soon as possible. We will let you know our current availability, when we can schedule you in, and when the project is likely to be completed.

  • We’re happy to work in whichever way suits you best, either discussing things via email, over the phone, or arranging a video call.

    If you’re local we can always meet in person if you wish to discuss your project face-to-face. We’re based in Ilkley, West Yorkshire, so whilst you’re here you could always pop to Bettys and get yourself a Fat Rascal…

  • If the project you need assistance with requires confidentiality we will of course keep schtum and be happy to sign a confidentiality/non disclosure agreement. We’ve always wanted to work for a top secret organisation, so this would suit us down to the ground; we promise not to work in invisible ink!

  • You will own the copyright for any work completed by Make No Mistake for your company. It will all be tailored to your individual project and no marketing material or written copy will ever be duplicated for new clients.

    Make No Mistake will often feature examples of previous work on the website and within its own B2B marketing campaigns. If you would rather your project wasn’t included, please let Make No Mistake know at brief stage.

  • Make No Mistake has worked across many industries and sectors, and can easily adapt to different markets. Having said that, Make No Mistake feels most comfortable in the retail sector*.

    * (see the About page for more information about Make No Mistake’s previous work history and clients)

  • Well that sounds like a great idea!

    The elusive magic of SEO is a bit of a minefield: juggling factors such as keywords, increasing direct traffic, and creating YouTube videos (FYI – Google owns it!) to get you to the top of the organic search results (determined by Google’s complex, top-secret algorithm) and then manipulating paid for Google Ads to ensure you also get listed in the top of the Search Engine Results Page features is no mean feat*.

    So, being totally honest, we will try our hardest but unfortunately there are never any guarantees!

    * (We have managed it before, so it’s entirely possible)

  • Sure thing! We’re happy to work directly with your designer, or alternatively suggest someone who may be the best fit for your marketing project. We have years of experience working alongside designers to achieve fantastic results; we know they like flattery and may need sweet-talking!

If you have a question that isn’t covered in the list above, simply send us an email and we’ll do our best to answer it (unless it’s regarding quantum mechanics, in which case you may wish to ask someone else).