Make No Mistake offers a friendly and professional copywriting, proofreading and marketing service.

Need some help? Here’s what we offer…

  • Copywriting


    Writing good copy is a profound skill. It has to be clear, concise, grammatically correct and, most importantly, engaging.

    Your content needs to convey the appropriate tone; it’s no use trying to create a tourism leaflet if the language used makes it sound uninspiring and dreary. Who wants to visit dullsville? Nobody.

    Make No Mistake can sort you out with some top notch vocab – whatever it’s for, we’ve got your back.

  • Proofreading


    I love cooking my family and my pets.

    It turns out those pesky commas are actually rather important. With over 20 years’ experience spotting errant apostrophes and shady spellings, Make No Mistake will endeavour to ensure perfection.

    We’re happy to do a basic proofread, checking grammar, punctuation, spelling, visual errors and layout, as well as offering a proof-editing service, if the project needs some additional work to enhance it.

  • Marketing


    Marketing is pretty simple, really. It’s all about communication, making sure the appropriate message gets to the right group of people.

    Make No Mistake can help in whatever way you need, from formulating a plan and putting those ideas into action, or simply offering some basic help and a nudge in the right direction.

    Just remember the basic rule:
    fish where the fish are!